Monday, February 27, 2012

Take A Closer Look At The Shop

Hello! For this Rattlin’ Blog, I thought I would take a slight step back in time to a previous building project that has had a great impact on Foley. Back in the winter or 2009-2010, Marie and I had a conversation on how we could move the Maintenance Center, Shop (camper activity), and the Garage to one location. At that time they were spread out on the main side of camp. The Maintenance Center with all the tools was so nicely located in the same building as the bikes; the Garage was a space that housed the bobcat, tractor, and other equipment; and finally the Shop which we were outgrowing. We wanted to create sufficient space , specifically for the activities at camp while separating areas for maintenance.

At that time, across the road was “Stormwood” - a building at one time used for the camp caretaker(s). In the summer of 2009, it was turned into a haunted house as part of a special program. It was the perfect location complete with utility hook-ups. So demo started in May of 2010. Our master plan was to have it completed, up and running with everything moved in so we could use it during our 2010 camping season. Well, let me tell you, that didn’t happen, BUT we did get it ready for the summer of 2011.

Our new building is home to Shop (path leading up to entrance), the Garage and the Maintenance Center.

Our new spacious shop!

In closing, this was an exciting project from designing the plans, to following through with the construction and finally seeing the completed project. It was like a jigsaw puzzle! Like most of my work here at Foley, the best part was seeing the campers enjoy the new space!
Until next time,

- Christopher Mathiowetz, Director

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